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Columbine Flower Essence

Protect that which is most sacred to you.  Learn discernment and be selective who you let into your inner circle.  Not everyone is worthy and it is okay to say no.  It is okay to hold your light in high esteem and choose who gets your energy, time, and attention. 


Not all who cross your path are worthy.


Know your own worth and don’t waste your energy on those who don’t see and value you.


0.5 oz



Infuson of Aquilegia vulgaris L., Spring water, 27% alcohol. 





The statements made herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure illness. Consult a healthcare professional if pregnant or under 18 years of age.



  • Description




    “What you bring to the world is special and unique.  Treat it as such and honor your own divine light.  Shine.”


    For those who are

    • Afraid of their own light
    • Learning new boundaries
    • Easily swayed by the needs of others
    • Experiencing gad lighting
    • In or coming out of an abusive relationship
    • Used to abdicating their own needs to address the needs of others
    • Don’t see who they are completely
    • Seeking to improve discernment


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AERACURA LLC. products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure medical conditions.  They have not been reviewed by the FDA.  If you are pregnant or under the age of 18 consult a medical professional before use. 

© 2021 AERACURA LLC., Putney, VT.

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